12/15/2023  Michael Anthony

Getting married in Colorado is an exciting and joyous occasion. To help you navigate the process, here is a step-by-step tutorial on how to tie the knot in the beautiful state of Colorado:

  1. Review the Requirements: Before proceeding, familiarize yourself with the necessary requirements for getting married in Colorado. You and your partner must be at least 18 years old, or 16-17 years old with parental consent. Also, ensure that you have valid identification, such as a driver's license or passport.
  2. Choose Your Wedding Date and Venue: Decide on a date and select the location for your wedding ceremony and reception. Colorado offers a myriad of stunning venues, from breathtaking mountain resorts to charming urban settings.
  3. Obtain a Marriage License: Visit the county clerk's office in any county within Colorado to obtain a marriage license. Both you and your partner need to appear in person. Bring your identification and be prepared to fill out an application form. Pay the required fee, which varies by county. Once granted, the license is valid for 35 days.
  4. Find an Officiant: Choose an authorized individual to officiate your wedding ceremony. In Colorado, this can be a religious clergy member, judge, or other recognized officiant. Ensure they are authorized to solemnize marriages in the state.
  5. Plan Your Ceremony: Work with your officiant to plan the details of your wedding ceremony. Discuss any specific rituals, readings, or vows that you would like to include. Colorado allows for personalized ceremonies, so be creative and make it meaningful to you and your partner.
  6. Invite Your Guests: Send out wedding invitations to your loved ones, informing them of the date, time, and location of your wedding. Consider creating a wedding website to keep everyone updated and provide additional information.
  7. Finalize the Details: Arrange for any necessary transportation, accommodations, and catering services for your special day. Coordinate with vendors, photographers, and musicians to ensure everything is in place.
  8. Enjoy Your Wedding: On the day of your wedding, relax, soak in the love and happiness surrounding you, and cherish every moment. Colorado's natural beauty will undoubtedly make your wedding day even more memorable.
  9. Submit the Marriage License: Following the ceremony, your officiant and witnesses (usually two) must sign the marriage license. Within 63 days of the wedding, the completed license must be returned to the county clerk's office where it was issued. After processing, you can obtain certified copies of your marriage certificate, which will serve as legal proof of your union.

Congratulations on embarking on this wonderful journey together! May your marriage be filled with love, joy, and cherished memories.